Saturday 2 February 2013

For a fan simply identified as Tunde, days like January 13, 2013 will be a day he might continue to pray to always come his way even though the day had a bit of pain in it. This is because the aftermath of the ‘bitter
leaf’ later resulted into ‘sweetness’ as a Yoruba adage puts it.
As reported by Sources, a harmless and excited Tunde, seeing his role model, called unto 9ice but the singer didn’t respond.
Like the Biblical woman with the issue of blood who had the faith that if she touches the tip of Jesus Christ’s cloth, she would be healed, Tunde, filled with the same faith, stepped forward to reportedly tap 9ice by his shoulder.
But instead of getting his ‘healing’, he reportedly got a dirty a slap on his face. This almost caused a storm in the tea cup as Tunde angrily and tearfully lambasted 9ice shouting at the top of his voice.
Embarrassed by this, 9ice was reported to have quickly moved to calm Tunde and allegedly promised to give him something when he (9ice) is about leaving the event.
Pacified by this, Tunde reportedly stopped shouting. He was later spotted, as reported, with 9ice with a ‘paper-like’ substance tucked in his hand.
When asked further about what was given to him by the singer, Tunde reportedly declined to give further information and left the venue.


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